Pens Your Friends WON’T Steal

Borrow My Pen

Last week, we linked to some brilliant posts about the two types of pen people: those who carry pens and those who steal them.

Now, we’ve found the perfect solution for those troublesome pen thieves. Check out Borrow My Pen? from Fred & Friends. It’s a pack of ballpoint pens with the kind of slogans printed on them that no one wants to be caught carrying.

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Why Not Give a Pen for Christmas?

Parker Sonnet Fountain Pen

We’re not going to lie to you. If you’ve waited this long to think about shopping for Christmas, you’re leaning more toward naughty than nice.

But that doesn’t mean it’s too late to find a nifty gift for someone you love. Pens are a classy, simple choice and don’t necessarily need to be all that expensive, although you certainly can spend more than a few pounds on a high-end instrument.

Here are a few we recommend that would probably make someone on your Christmas list happy:

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Pen Carrier or Pen "Borrower"?

Pen Borrower return my stuff

Which person are you: The one who always has a pen or two in your pocket, or the one who borrows pens and, like as not, doesn’t return them?

(Shamefully, I’m one of the latter – although it’s usually not on purpose. The upside is I save a lot of money on pens.)

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